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Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens.

C.G. Jung 1964

There is record of humans being interested in the meaning and value of their dreams since millennia ago.


People from cultures all around the world have had something to say about them and have used them in different ways; from connecting to the God to foreseeing the future. Today, scientists continue to investigate and theorize about the possible reasons why we dream; from evolutionary advantage in terms of survival and learning theory, to spiritual and psychological growth and social healing.


Dreams are real life experiences. They are a gateway to our unconscious, which is where our inner healer resides. In dreams we can meet ourselves as in a mirror, in a way we usually cannot during wake life. When we are awake we have to focus our attention within a narrow frame but the rest of our being is absorbing the full experience of our life. Our  dream maker prepares these brilliant picture stories for us to see, reflect upon, understand and use for our growth and healing. 


There are many layers to a dream, and only the dreamer will be able to make full sense of the purpose of the dream for his or her life in one particular moment; and yet, our dream maker uses individual and universal symbols to present its messages and bring up the full range of human experience and so, we can help one another in the process of honoring the dream and drawing from its inexhaustible richness and wisdom in our quest for self-awareness, and individual and collective health. 


Dream Work Session

Dream work sessions are 50 minutes long and frequency varies according to your needs. We will work on dreams that you will have previously recorded in writing; some times we will work only on one dream, other times on multiple dreams.

During the session I will ask you to share the dream with me as if you were in the dream again (re-entering the dream, noticing emotions and reactions) and together we will explore its landscape to find a meaning that resonates with you and from which you can draw insight about who you are in this particular moment and what potential openings for growth and healing are available to you as expressed by the message of your dream.


Dream Circle

These are Dream Work group sessions during which 6 people, aside from the leader or leaders,  gather to share and shed light into one another's dreams, become familiar with dream language and with working with them as a source of healing and creativity.

Each session is 90 minutes long; each Dream Circle runs for at least 4 sessions.






Will be led by me alongside Susan Teegen, M.Div. GPCC. 


New groups will form as registration fills.

We are currently offering groups for the general public and for psychotherapists.

In-person and Video options. 

We ask that you commit to joining every session. 


4-Session Dream Circle Fee: $300




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